Please do not use the website to order repeat medication, the practice would prefer you to register for online services; please contact the surgery for further details.
The surgery now uses EPS (electronic prescription service); this means that your prescription will go electronically to any pharmacy that you nominate.
Ordering Your Prescription
Repeat Prescriptions must be ordered by telephone between the hours of 12.00pm and 2.00pm (except Thursdays 12.00pm – 1.00pm)
The Practice would prefer patients to order their prescriptions on line to avoid tying up the telephone lines.
Alternatively, written requests can be put into our mail box – please do not bring these into surgery.
Non-urgent advice: Please Note
If you order your medication too early, your prescription will either be post-dated or rejected if a sufficient reason for the early ordering eg holidays is not provided.
Prescriptions will not be authorised more than 3 days in advance.